Kauri Coast TOP 10 Holiday Park

Self-Guided Kiwi Packs

Self-Guided Kiwi Walk

Self Guided Kiwi Night Tour 

Always wanted to explore a forest at night and spot a kiwi in the wild?  

Stay with us at Kauri Coast TOP 10 Holiday Park and book in for a Self Guided Kiwi Night Tour.  You will receive a 'Kiwi Walk Kit' (comprises one of our Guide Red Lamps, with a wide angled lens for optimum spotting, a set of comprehensive Guide Notes and  extra white lights for your safety - all in a handy back pack),  and a briefing from one of our knowledgeable team.  Briefings take place between 5.30pm and 6.30pm so you will need to plan to arrive before 5.30pm to take part.  Then, as darkness falls you will travel the 4km to Trounson Kauri Park (own vehicle required)  and set off on your adventure. 

This is probably your best chance to spot a North Island Brown Kiwi in the wild! We estimate your chance of seeing Kiwi is 50%, as you will benefit from our first hand knowledge and experience of Trounson Park and Kiwi Spotting. But there's a lot more to this amazing kauri forest than kiwi - sheet web spiders, weta and kauri snails are amongst the other wildlife to be seen. And lets not forget the amazing kauri trees themselves which have been watching over the Park for 100's of years.

We have a limited number of 'Kits' so I would advise you to book ahead to secure your tour, but you are welcome to reserve one at reception when you arrive or during your stay. The price for the Self Guided Tour is $25 for your group, but you can book an extra kit for $20 if you have a large group. 


Trounson Kauri Park is just a few kilometres from Kauri Coast Top 10 Holiday Park.

It is a 450-hectare forest reserve restoration project working to restore the former richness of native biodiversity this forest once boasted, allowing people to enjoy a glimpse of what pristine Kauri forests were once like.

The reserve is home to several threatened species, such as North Island brown kiwi, kukupa (NZ pigeon), pekapeka (bats) and kauri snails. It also incorporates a magnificent dense strand of Kauri that has long been recognised as one of the best examples in the country.

Read more on the DOC website http://www.doc.govt.nz/parks-and-recreation/places-to-visit/northland/kauri-coast/trounson-kauri-park